Monday, September 7, 2009

Sam's Review: Mad Men Episode 4

In the fourth episode of Mad Men, there was a lot more going on than seen at first glance. The episode begins with a young rich man who is making his pitch to SC about the up and coming sport of Jai Alai. Haven’t heard of it? It’s because this guy had no fucking clue as to how boring this sport would be, though he does predict it would be bigger than baseball by 1970.

While this storyline was mostly just entertaining in how enjoyable it is to look back and laugh at stupid ‘60’s stuff, it also revealed a good deal about how Sterling Cooper operates—people pay to make things work, that’s their job. Also something I’ve been thinking about came out when the client said that if Jai Alai fails it’s their SC’s fault, which is true even with such an ill-conceived idea such as this one.

In other SC news, big gay Sal finished working on the (doomed) Patio project, copying shot for shot the opening from Bye Bye Birdie. In a scene where Sal and his wife are discussing the shoot it looks as if Sal’s homosexuality may have dawned on his wife after he perfectly recreates the scene. Unfortunately the Patio people don’t like the ad but Don, who knows Sal’s secret and is clearly in his corner, says that he’s got a job directing commercials. I’m glad to see Sal so happy and Don giving the guy credit after doing exactly what the clients wanted him to do. The Sal-Don relationship is one of the storylines of this season I’m most excited to see how it develops and manifests itself in this crazy mixed up world that is the early 60’s.

Outside the office, Peggy is planning on moving into the city in another step towards changing her character. I think it’s cool to see how different a person Peggy has become since she was first introduced in the premier. She’s probably changed more than any other character on the show and her move is just the next logical step character-wise, and career-wise. Joan was there to help in her bid to find a roommate (that ended with her finding a bit of a slut but who cares I want more Joan). This all led to a pretty sad scene where Peggy explains to her mother that she’s moving out and her mother basically is unbelievably cruel to her (I think saying you will be raped in the city is a bit harsh).

In the Draper residence, Sad Sally is finally connecting with someone in her family, her senile grandfather who shares with her some nice moments that, at the time, seemed kind of creepy but maybe the writers were trying to throw us. The death of Sally’s grandfather could be seen from a mile away, it was just a matter of when it would happen in the episode. Sally is the most upset of anyone in the family and her desire to mourn and be angry is stifled by her parents. Looks like Sally is just going to get sadder, and if the “Next week on Mad Men” preview was any indication, she’s going to start acting out. Poor Sally, poor everyone on this show. This episode was just another indication of how everyone is working through their shitty lives one day at a time while still having to put a happy face on it all because it’s the early fucking ‘60’s and such things weren’t discussed.



-Interesting touch with Sally watching the newscast of the Monks burning themselves, there’s a storm comin’

-The look on Sal’s face when Don gave him props bumped the episode grade up a notch

-I feel like Betty is just making a mini version of herself with Sally, Bobby is just fucking there. Why did they get rid of the old Bobby when the new one has had one line in four episodes?

-Roger only needs one line to be worth the price of admission “She’s not Ann-Margret”

-Sorry about skipping last week :( <-----Sad Sally

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